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Mega Man X6 "X only, 100%" TAS in 1:02:26

Capcom decided to make some easy money, so they recycled parts of Mega Man X5, threw in overly difficult trial-and-error gameplay, made almost everything an obstacle course, and called it Mega Man X6.
Rescuing all Reploids on Xtreme mode is inadvisable for all but the most hardcore, yet this TAS makes it look easy. Not only that, it collects everything that can be collected before beating the game.

In this run, Rolanmen1 shows off X's max potential, getting every collectible in the whole game, while Zero watches from the side and enjoys the show.

NOTE: This is the same TAS as posted before, just added item display to the side so you can easily know what has been acquired and what now.

For more info: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=458962#458962
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