Totally Spies 3 (DS): Enemy fight skips

Here's something wild. In this game, you have to fight a lot of enemies. Fights in this game are basically long, tedious, glorified games of connect the dots. However, it is possible to skip a good chunk of these fights without needing gadgets. Here, I demonstrate this exploit on the first boss.

Basically, you get close to an enemy and once they start moving towards you, you want to turn around and jump in place. If you perform it right, the enemy runs towards you and you will land inside them. You should then be able to run through the enemy if they either stand still or punch in the wrong direction. The enemy will often chase you afterwards but I managed to avoid that in this clip.

This exploit can save a lot of time throughout the game, quite possibly making it possible to skip most if not all fights in the game. You can just flat out skip every boss in the game. The main issue with it however is that it is very risky. If you mess it up, the enemy will hit you and you will have to fight them which loses a fair amount of time compared to actively attacking them. I do believe you should be able to attack the enemies if you mess up but you better be good at reacting or you are gonna lose even more time and health. Even if you do skip one enemy, you could end up getting cornered by two enemies and you will be forced to fight one of them. In an RTA setting, this exploit will mainly be useful against bosses since you can easily try again if you mess up without losing too much time and you don't have Smoke Bombs/Ice Queen Perfume to alternatively use. Against other enemies, you are better off using Smoke Bombs/Ice Queen Perfume if you have access to them. "
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