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2021.0518 Microsoft Teams個人版開放囉!(時長24小時及300人同時上線)

2021.0518 Microsoft Teams個人版開放囉!
就在剛剛燕秋老師發現Microsoft Teams個人版開放囉!除了時長及上線人數增加之外,也可以控制學生螢幕及傳送檔案等,不需團隊也可以利用連結邀任何人參與,適合限制Google的單位/沒有企業及學校帳號/異地辦公/個人來使用,
You can meet with anyone in a one-to-one call and speak up to 24 hours for free. For a group call (more than two people), you can meet with up to 100 participants and call up to 60 minutes for free. We are waiving these limits in light of COVID-19 so that you can meet with up to 300 participants and speak up to 24 hours for free until further specified.


#燕秋老師教學頻道 "
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