Absolute BEGINNER Guide to the Mac OS Terminal

In this video you'll get an absolute beginner introduction to the Mac OS terminal. By the end of the video you should feel comfortable browsing files and folders in your computer via the terminal. We'll also cover using the terminal to create, edit and delete files and folders. Along the way, you'll get pro tips that will help increase your terminal game quickly.

## Skills

✅ 0:30 - Where is the Terminal app?
✅ 0:45 - What does the $ mean in the Terminal?
✅ 1:25 - How to show files and folders in the Terminal
✅ 2:50 - How to change directories in the Terminal
✅ 4:23 - What does ".." and "." mean in the Terminal?
✅ 5:19 - How to clear the Terminal screen
✅ 6:00 - What does "~" mean in the Terminal?
✅ 6:50 - How to create files in the Terminal
✅ 7:13 - How to autocomplete file names in the Terminal
✅ 8:26 - How edit text and HTML files in the Terminal
✅ 10:12 - How to scroll through previous commands in the Terminal
✅ 11:26 - How to delete files in the Terminal
✅ 11:51 - How to create folders/directories in the Terminal
✅ 15:18 - How to delete folders/directories in the Terminal

## Terminal Commands

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