Boomerang Saturday Morning Cartoons | 2008 | Full Episodes w/ Commercials

It’s the year 2008, you may want to watch 4KidsTV or how about ABC Kids but your mind telling you that you have a taste for some classic cartoons? Hanna-Barbera cartoons to be exact! That’s where Boomerang comes in, so sit back on the couch, have a snack and a little drink because these classics are all coming back to you!

This is a compilation video I put together using footage of commercials and episodes from shows that played on the Boomerang channel back in the year 2008. Certain shows (specifically Scooby-Doo, Tom & Jerry, actual episodes of The Flintstones, and The Jetsons to name a few) can't be used for copyright reasons. These shows were substituted with other great classics that played on Boomerang around the same time. Think of it as a retro remix or a bootleg Saturday morning broadcast.

I’m surprised Looney Tunes and this Flintstones special made the cut. If anything bad happens, I’ll immediately delete this but until then…All rights respectively goes to Warner Bros Entertainment.

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