Digital transformation: are you ready for exponential change? Futurist Gerd Leonhard, TFAStudios

Business as usual is dead. Increasingly, science fiction is becoming science fact. Exponential technologies are rapidly changing our lives and societies, every day, everywhere. We will need different skills, and we will need to get much better at driving change - or we will be driven by it. Most importantly, we should embrace technology but not become it. Anything that can be digitized or automated, will be - and anything that cannot be digitized or automated will become extremely valuable. Lastly, we must go beyond technology to define real human values in this new digital ecosystem.

A short film by Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard, produced in association with Accenture
UPDATE 9/2020: Please also have a look at my new BEST OF VIRTUAL KEYNOTES 2020 Compilation:

Executive Producer and narrator: Gerd Leonhard and TFAStudios.
Producer and Art Director: Jean-Francois Cardella
Script: James McCabe
After Effect: Sylvain Collet
Sound mixing: Jeremy Joly

Music by

If you enjoy my videos and talks, please take a look at my new book “Technology vs Humanity” or buy it via Amazon

Zürich / Switzerland or

Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker
Basel / Switzerland or

Please note: audio-only versions of many videos are being made available here: or on the web at

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