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How Huawei works without Google? | Can Huawei survive without Google

In this Video you will find out the events which led to Ban of Huawei in USA, present situation and how Huawei plans to work without Google and steps it made to accomplish it.

Voiceover by MrCarsone : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJiVtFar2gl2Nw8dkDsvLyA

From the beginning of the century, Huawei is accused of activities that led to Countries not trusting the company but the company started to face major problems from the beginning of 2018.
You will find out the shady practices Huawei has been accused of which led to the situation in which they are in, why USA banned Huawei and see how much the launches like Harmony OS have proven to be effective and the problems the company is facing and it's plans to tackle them

0:00 The Buildup
0:40 Events leading to Ban of Huawei
2:18 Loopholes and Google
4:01 Huawei's Harmony OS
5:19 Huawei and Struggles

[1] The Verge
[3] Android Authority
[4] GSMArena

[1] https://www.androidauthority.com/huawei-vs-united-states-990007/
[2] https://medium.com/swlh/huaweis-ingenious-plan-to-supplant-android-bd0eac3125c7
[3] https://consumer.huawei.com/in/press/news/2019/huawei-launches-harmonyos/
[4] https://www.androidauthority.com/huawei-google-android-ban-988382/ "
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