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Learn about the XGIMI Halo portable projector and the newly announced 2200 lumen Horizon/Horizon Pro

Due to their product's great performance, extensive feature set, and beautiful design, XGIMI has become the leading projector manufacturer in China. In this session, Andres Gomez covers a few of their notable models, including the award-winning XGIMI Halo portable projector, as well as their newly announced home entertainment-focused models, the Horizon and Horizon Pro.

We would like to thank our sponsors for this event, AVProEdge, and Murideo.
AVPro Edge manufactures cutting-edge Audio Video distribution equipment, specializing in 4K with HDR. To check out their full line, visit: https://www.avproedge.com/​​
And Murideo is the trusted name in calibration, testing, and troubleshooting tools built for the Manufacturer, Calibrator, Pro, and Residential Audio/Video Integrator. To learn more, visit: https://www.murideo.com/​​

To buy the products seen in this video here are links to our Amazon Affiliate Pages:
XGIMI Halo: https://amzn.to/3uBfKN5
XGIMI MoGo Pro: https://amzn.to/3fesZwS

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