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Mass Effect: Legendary Edition | Xbox Series X vs Xbox 360 | Graphics & Framerate Comparison

- The improvements are quite numerous compared to the original game, especially in Mass Effect 1.
- New assets, textures, reflections and post-processing effects have been improved and added.
- Loading times are minimal now.
- The original 360 version suffered from quite a few framerate issues. This 60FPS remastering represents a huge change.
- There is a 1440p/120FPS option exclusively on Xbox Series X.
- Mass Effect has reduced its FOV in the remaster to adapt it to the same as the sequels.
- The controls have also been improved in the first part.
- Some animations, such as coverage, have been considerably improved.
- Mass Effect 2 and 3 have not undergone major changes, but their performance is excellent.
- Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is one of the best remasters I have ever tried.

Music: Long way to go - Miguel Johnson
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