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Microsoft Has A Lot Riding On Its Xbox E3 2021 Show | Paul Tassi | Forbes

We are approaching E3 2021, an all-digital event, but one that at least exists this year after being cancelled last year completely due to the pandemic. Some publishers aren’t showing up and doing their own thing, which is not unusual, both others like Microsoft try to use E3 as a big stage to dominate headlines for not just the week, but often for the rest of the year.

With Sony not attending E3 anymore, virtually or otherwise, Microsoft has used it as a big Xbox showcase with great success the past few years in particular. Though this time around, there’s a lot riding on the 2021 show.

Read more on Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2021/05/27/microsoft-has-the-most-to-prove-with-its-xbox-e3-2021-show/?sh=7da36da44dd2

Watch more on Forbes Games: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvIyliHSnR48u1vRrHzUyCg

Paul Tassi is a Senior Contributor at Forbes covering video games. Each week he'll discuss the biggest news stories in the industry and offer commentary on breaking developments.

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