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Next generation maps with WebGL | Session

See and learn what the next generation of mapping looks like. WebglOverlayView is the newest API for the Maps JavaScript API that gives you the ability to customize the Google basemap like never before with WebGL-accelerated 2D and 3D graphics. This session walks you through the basics of WebglOverlayView, how to optimize and avoid performance pitfalls, and some of the awesome things that are possible when you bring the power of the GPU to the map.

WebglOverlayView → https://goo.gle/webgloverlayview
Tilt and Rotation → https://goo.gle/map-tilt-rotation
Vector Map - Maps JS API → https://goo.gle/js-vector-map

Speaker(s): Travis McPhail

Watch more:
Google Maps Platform at Google I/O 2021 Playlist → https://goo.gle/io21-GMapsPlatform
All Google I/O 2021 Technical Sessions → https://goo.gle/io21-technicalsessions
All Google I/O 2021 Sessions → https://goo.gle/io21-allsessions

Subscribe to Google Maps Platform → http://goo.gle/GMapsPlatform

#GoogleIO #Maps #Web

product: Maps Platform - Maps - Maps JavaScript API; event: Google I/O 2021; fullname: Travis McPhail; re_ty: Premiere; "
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