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OnePlus 9 - 2 Months Later | Better than Pro?

Here’s why I think the OnePlus 9 is actually the better buy than the OnePlus 9 Pro. Make sure to check out dbrand: https://www.dbrand.com/HeyMarkL

Buy OnePlus 9: https://amzn.to/33XwLVV
Buy OnePlus 9 Pro: https://amzn.to/3f3g3uG

It's not often that I recommend a smartphone that isn't the top of the line for a smartphone family with a "Pro" offering. But in this case, I think OnePlus has it down with their OnePlus 9. Let me know what you want to see on the channel, and what you want me to cover for the OnePlus 9 Pro revisited video.

Links you should click!

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➠ Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/HeyMarkL
➠ Grovemade: https://grovemade.com/?rfsn=4666028.fa2f94
➠ Background music from Musicbed: http://share.mscbd.fm/HeyMarkL
➠ My Camera Gear - https://kit.co/HeyMarkL

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Hi! My name is Mark Linsangan. I make tech videos that are informative and look beautiful. I lived in NYC for two years, but I'm originally from Washington DC, but now I'm living in sunny California! (LA). I'm a big fan of traveling/exploring, tech, social media / biz and finding interesting topics on the line (online). Subscribe & say hi to me on Twitter, and Instagram @HeyMarkL
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