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【Shadowverse】 Artifact Portalcraft | Heroes of Rivenbrandt (Rotation)

We finally have an artifact deck that has a pseudo-acceleratium and a fair game plan at the same time!
Too bad this deck kinda sucks right now, but gotta at least try it before people realize that Mysteria not only didn't lose anything, but it also got unnecessary support cards. lol

00:00 Vs. Evo Blood
10:10 Vs. Evo Artifact Portal
18:42 Vs. Crystallize Haven
23:59 Vs. Evo Forest

──────── BGM ────────
► Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi - 喧騒の街 ~INTERCEPTION~
► DoDonPachi Resurrection - Stage 2-B
► Sega Marine Fishing - The Offing (Bigbeat Mix)
► Armored Core: Nexus - World Navigation

──────── Decklist ───────

──────── Outro ────────
33:25 ► Digimon World: Next Order - File City (Night)
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