Sony Officially Reveals Car To Beat Tesla

Sony, the major technology brand- yes the same ones bringing you the PS5! Have actually launched their own electric vehicle, and it's targeted directly to compete against Elon Musk's Tesla!

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This year’s Consumer Electronics Show started to look a bit more like the Geneva Auto Show than it did an electronics show with companies like Lamborghini, Honda, and Hyundai revealing technology riddled concept cars that promise a future of flying taxis, supercars that can order toilet paper on the go, and self driving cars. Among those established car manufacturers and starry eyed start ups was a surprise entry, Sony with their Vision S sedan. As one would expect from a technology company like Sony, the Vision S is riddled with screens and interfaces that would allow drivers and passengers alike to access Sony Entertainment properties. But rather than show up with a flashy box that looks very much like a car that can really only at best be rolled on the showroom floor to show off their fancy technology, Sony showed up with a for real running driving electric car. Despite all that, Sony still is saying that they’re not getting in the car building car business any time soon. If that’s true, then why did Sony announce that the Vision S has showed up in Tokyo for testing, and what are they testing exactly? Well, it turns out that Sony has already sunk $5.3 billion into self driving sensor technology and the product of that investment is in part the Vision S. With the Vision S, Sony is hoping to be the bridge that turns self driving cars from science fiction into science reality and raking in the profits as the industry leader in self driving car technology. Let’s take a look at how that all shaped up.

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