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Tarisland | Release Confirmed! HUGE MMO NEWS! Warcraft Mobile Gameplay

Tarisland, a new mmorpg coming soon to mobile devices, inspired by world of warcraft and will let you explore the lore of the game in a completely new way.

Download ExpressVPN: https://strms.net/expressvpn_spiducrk_f67jwtlafuzvon3pujq

Tarisland Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVXSlcl6YTSG_ak7vOuSf8C8EX0rvFuJMJQEgAdVDqO-ggWQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Business email: contact@spidmmo.com
My Socials: https://linktr.ee/spidlvlz

This is huge news for Warcraft fans on mobile, and am excited to be able to bring you the latest news as it happens. Be sure to check back soon for more information about Tarisland, and stay tuned for more news in the future! Here is everything you need to know about this game and some gameplay

Intro: (0:00)
ExpressVPN: (0:50)
Classes: (1:25)
Raids: (2:20)
Quests: (2:55)
AuctionTrading: (3:30)
TheWorld: (4:30)
PvP: (5:15)

♪ Butter (Prod. by Lukrembo) "
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