WebPanda - Bootstrap 4 Multipurpose Responsive HTML5 Template | Themeforest Templates

"Download WebPanda - Bootstrap 4 Multipurpose Responsive HTML5 Template | Themeforest

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WebPanda – The Most Powerful Bootstrap 4 Website Templates

WebPanda is a highly creative. interactive. easily customizable. highly modern. fast loading. search engine optimized. efficiently coded. well documented. vibrant and fully responsive HTML5 and CSS3 multi-purpose website template for corporate. agencies. freelancers. individuals as well suitable as per the businesses domain.

We have created to show their company history. services. work portfolio and projects. team. blog in most creative and professional looking manner using more than 26+ ready home page layout including one page website and also including as per business industrial service.

What is inside in the magic box?

26+ Home Pages

43+ Innerpages Pages (About. Services. Team. Client & many more CMS Pages)

64+ Portfolio Pages (Listing. Grid. Masonry. Metro. Justified and creative Single Pages)

50+ Blog Pages (Listing. Grid. Masonry and creative single pages as well as many more variation of post types)

500+ Elements Style (We have created 65+ truely elements layout and each page have more wide range of variation style for create your website with desired look)

70+ Feature Style (Use your desired feature style in any of your website pages to make them look beautiful and elegant. )

46+ Header & Footer (Pick the best header footer with wide range of variations for make website creative and user friendly)

60+ Typography & Section Style (Highlight your page title and sections with unique typography to make them look stylist and creative)

Premade Homepage Layouts :

An awesome collection of beautiful HTML5 templates for your next great website. Choose any of these and make it yours.

Elegant & Stylish Portfolio Pages :

We have created wide range of portfolio to show your work with Grid. Masonry. Metro. Justified and many more style.

Impressive Portfolio Single :

We have created more portfolio single page to fully showcase your products and accomplishments.

Nicely Designed Portfolio Layouts :

We are not create just the homepage. We have designed many different beautiful and elegant portfolio onepage and single pages as per your needs.

Incredible Elements :

WebPanda comes with Massive elements collection for all imaginable scenarios.

We have created 500+ elements and each elements have more wide range of variation style for create your website with desired look.

Live Social Feeds :

We have designed and integrate social live feeds for get social updates with "
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